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Accelerating Change within Humanitarian Action to advance
Gender Equality

What are we here for?

The evidence is clear. In order to be effective, accountable and relevant, humanitarian action must identify and address gender equalities.


Yet, knowing what needs to be addressed, how to drive meaningful change and where to start isn’t always clear or straightforward. Using the available evidence, tools and guidance,  how do we advance gender equality in a humanitarian setting in a tangible and practical way? 


In order to help the humanitarian sector to both identify and address gender inequalities in all their forms, Engender Equality has developed a standardised approach for identifying organisational and programming gaps and solutions, in line with global standards and guidance. 


Engaging Engender Equality will enable your organisation to develop a clear picture of gaps (eg what are the current attitudes amongst staff towards female peers? What is the ratio of male to female staff? Who is included and excluded from programming?) and the practical ways in which your organisation can draw on its existing capacity and programming to advance gender equality, both within the organisation and programmes. 


If you want to advance gender equality in your workplace and programmes - get in touch and you'll receive tangible, practical guidance and hands-on support.

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Package of Support

Identifying and addressing gender inequalities in humanitarian action, in organisations and programmes through a comprehensive, tried and tested package of practical support.


Each action is one that Engender Equality can deliver on.


Click on each box to find out more:  

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Gender Analysis

Gender analysis is conducted by Engender Equality with meaningful engagement of your organisation’s staff to support with both data collection and analysis.


This serves to build staff capacity, by learning through doing. It also supports staff to understand the gendered issues in real-time to increase awareness and longer-term engagement in advancing gender equality.  

Gender Audit

Gender audits are conducted by Engender Equality in a genuinely participatory manner and involve an all-staff survey, key informant interviews with staff and partners and peer agencies, and women-only staff consultations. This helps us to understand existing attitudes, beliefs and practices to propose a practical way forward to recruit, retain and promote women, and to address gender imbalance and inequalities in the workplace. 

Gender-Audit analysis
Gender and GBV Action Plan

Engender Equality develops a practical roadmap for advancing gender equality that is tailored to your specific organisation and your specific programmes, approaches and ways of working.


The Gender and GBV Action Plan is informed by both the Gender Analysis and Gender Audit and sets out a clear pathway with SMART actions to address gender inequalities in each sector and department, cross-checked and aligned with the IASC GBV Guidelines and IASC Gender Handbook.


Specific actions are included for each sector and department so that gender inequality can be meaningfully addressed from the inside out. 

Gender-transformative programme design

Engender Equality works with organisations to develop gender-transformative targeted interventions for advancing gender equality and empowering women and girls. These are informed by listening to the perspectives and proposed solutions of women and girls in the communities we serve, coupled with available research and evidence on what works so that you can be confident your programme will drive meaningful, sustainable change. 

​Gender and GBV capacity building

Engender Equality builds capacity of staff and volunteers to understand and optimise the use of global guidelines and tools for Gender mainstreaming and GBV mitigation, prevention and response.


In order to inspire change, capacity building is offered in the form of webinars, mentoring and training with built in follow-up activities, with a focus on practical examples, role play and case studies.

capcity buldin
Feminist leadership and gender-balanced teams 

Engender Equality supports organisations to review and update existing practices and policies to ensure diversity, equality and inclusion in the workplace. We support the organisation to recognise and respond to different barriers to participation and help ensure that all staff - regardless of gender - have equal voice and decision making. We work with staff to develop context-specific approaches to recruit, retain and promote women to ensure that organisations have gender-balanced teams. In tandem we work with leadership to understand and demonstrate feminist leadership practices and values.

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Feminist localisation

Engender Equality will map available women’s and girls’ organisations and identify preferred partnership models for meaningful partnerships to help address power imbalances and patriarchal structures in humanitarian action. Engender Equality can also support with developing tools for, and conducting, partner capacity assessments. 


Engender Equality can support women's and girls' organisations with diversifying funding sources through mapping and applying for available funding.

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Eliminating sexual harassment in the workplace 

Engender Equality help to prevent sexual harassment through a range of interventions designed in collaboration with staff. We also work with staff to identify existing levels of knowledge and trust in available reporting mechanisms, and we strengthen and improve such mechanisms to increase trust and access. In addition, we work to support your organisation to respond appropriately whenever concerns arise through improving confidentiality and supporting with the application of a survivor-centred approach.

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Nina Gora

Founder and Principal Consultant for Engender Equality 

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